Stuff lesbians like
50: American Eagle
49: Lesbian Texting Syndrome (”LTS”)
48: Sudden and Unexpected Amateur Grappling Matches in Public
47: Pets!
46: Beer Samplers
45: Gay Porn - kan väl hända att man tittar på det men det är inget som händer ofta liks .
44: Uniforms
43: Man Crushes
42: Threatening to boycott the Pride Parade due to “X” but eventually showing up for the festivities. - Kan väl hända att jag först vägrar gå pga av att en undesirable ska dyka upp, men dyker nog upp själv iaf sen, because I'm the bigger person .
41: Being “Boring” While in a Relationship
40: Duct Tape
39: High Fives
38: Being Overly Sensitive Due to an Increased Sense of Political Awareness - Haha, vem jag? Känslig när det kommer till politik? Neeee...
37: Helping the Cause!
36: Spontaneously breaking out into tone-deaf versions of 80s guitar anthems or power ballads
35: Racing to be the first to announce gay and lesbian related news to your friends .
34: Insisting that Non-Lesbian Movies Have Lesbian Subtext - va?
33: Going Out of One’s Way to Not Carry a Purse
32: Entourage Schisms
31: Being Overly Competitive At Things That Don’t Matter
30: SexintheStacks
29: Expensive Private Colleges
28: Straight Girls
27: Sports Injuries - hot !
26: We blog!
25: Tongues
24: Threatening to vote for John McCain if __________ doesn’t get the Democratic nomination
23: Brain Games
22: Wellesley College
21: Professing to know everything about someone based on his or her star sign
20: Fitting in
19: Being friends with their exes - haha, återigen, vem, jag ? vän med mina ex ? neee...
18: Being cheap to fund their food habits
17: Drama 2.0
16: Quitting the scene
15: Processing
14: Bumper Stickers
13: Nicknames
11: Entourages
10: The hand tuck!
9: House Parties
8: Craig’s List
7: Mourning dead or otherwise departed L Word characters - gråter varenda gång Dana dör i rutan .
6: Looking down on “unenlightened lesbians”
5: The Post-Mullet - haha den är grym !
4: Mistakenly believing that they own the Angelina Jolie crush.
3: Threatening to cancel Showtime
2: Telling the stupid U-Haul joke
1: Popped Collars and Grad School