Stuff lesbians like

Haha, Ellen skickade nåns blogg till mig där denna lista på saker som flator ska gilla, och man ska lägga fetstil på de jag själv håller med om/tycker . så here it goes hahahaha .

50: American Eagle

49: Lesbian Texting Syndrome (”LTS”)

48: Sudden and Unexpected Amateur Grappling Matches in Public

47: Pets!

46: Beer Samplers

45: Gay Porn - kan väl hända att man tittar på det men det är inget som händer ofta liks .

44: Uniforms

43: Man Crushes

42: Threatening to boycott the Pride Parade due to “X” but eventually showing up for the festivities. - Kan väl hända att jag först vägrar gå pga av att en undesirable ska dyka upp, men dyker nog upp själv iaf sen, because I'm the bigger person .

41: Being “Boring” While in a Relationship

40: Duct Tape

39: High Fives

38: Being Overly Sensitive Due to an Increased Sense of Political Awareness - Haha, vem jag? Känslig när det kommer till politik? Neeee...

37: Helping the Cause!

36: Spontaneously breaking out into tone-deaf versions of 80s guitar anthems or power ballads

35: Racing to be the first to announce gay and lesbian related news to your friends .

34: Insisting that Non-Lesbian Movies Have Lesbian Subtext - va?

33: Going Out of One’s Way to Not Carry a Purse

32: Entourage Schisms

31: Being Overly Competitive At Things That Don’t Matter

30: SexintheStacks

29: Expensive Private Colleges

28: Straight Girls

27: Sports Injuries - hot !

26: We blog!

25: Tongues

24: Threatening to vote for John McCain if __________ doesn’t get the Democratic nomination

23: Brain Games

22: Wellesley College

21: Professing to know everything about someone based on his or her star sign

20: Fitting in

19: Being friends with their exes - haha, återigen, vem, jag ? vän med mina ex ? neee...

18: Being cheap to fund their food habits

17: Drama 2.0

16: Quitting the scene

15: Processing

14: Bumper Stickers

13: Nicknames


11: Entourages

10: The hand tuck!

9: House Parties

8: Craig’s List

7: Mourning dead or otherwise departed L Word characters - gråter varenda gång Dana dör i rutan .

6: Looking down on “unenlightened lesbians”

5: The Post-Mullet - haha den är grym !

4: Mistakenly believing that they own the Angelina Jolie crush.

3: Threatening to cancel Showtime

2: Telling the stupid U-Haul joke

1: Popped Collars and Grad School


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